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 Im trying out for ADMIN!

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Posts : 19
Join date : 2012-01-25
Age : 24

Im trying out for ADMIN! Empty
PostSubject: Im trying out for ADMIN!   Im trying out for ADMIN! EmptyTue May 08, 2012 6:50 pm

Dear JayZ,

I know you don't really talk to me and we don't connect but could you make me an Admin iv'e played this server since it was GlowCraft I joined the DAY right AFTER toge joined and I know I was gone for like 2 Months but I really would like to be an Admin.

So here's some stuff about me on the server I helped TomBoyGirl Fix her WHOLE house after Jynxxx and DiegoFlores greifed her and when I was done She said she LOVED it and it was better than it was before. king
Also I helped with a bunch of other peoples problems I have supported this server so much!! AND I LOVE IT!!!!

I hope you can make me admin I appreciate it!! Thanks!

-TheLegend333 (Jacob)
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